C++ and Beyond 2011 is now 80% sold out, which means there are only 20 tickets left.  Attendance is limited to 100, and that number won’t be increased, so when the last ticket is gone, that’s it — we’ll be sold out.  To avoid finding yourself standing outside the room with your nose pressed up against the glass (something that would be both embarrassing and uncomfortable), be sure to register as soon as you can.  The C&B Registration Page now shows the number of remaining seats, so if you find yourself in need of a shot of realtime ticket availability information, that’s the place to get it.

August 7-10 in Banff is going to be the place to be for all things C++ and C++-related, so rearrange those vacation plans, pester your boss into sponsoring your attendance, and make your travel arrangements.  Also, let us know what topics will be most valuable to you, because we want to make sure that after you’ve adjusted your vacation and pestered your boss, C&B will be worth it :-)
