Thanks to everybody for a very enjoyable and successful C++ and Beyond 2011 in Banff! Andrei and Herb and I had a great time, and, judging by the evaluations, so did everyone who attended.
What’s next?, you may wonder. Well:
We’re in the process of preparing final PDF for all our talks, including slides we put together during C&B or pulled up on the fly. You should also expect to see presentation materials with minor revisions, e.g., with bugs fixed that we found during the talks. My revised double-checked locking code, for example, will now include, er, two checks and, um, a lock. Ahem. We expect the final PDF to be available by the end of the week. Look for email from Lisa telling you where to get it.
- Lisa’s email will also tell you about a post-event survey that will give you an opportunity to tell us what worked at C&B, what didn’t, and give us feedback on the relative importance of various aspects of the event. We hope we made clear during C&B that we take your feedback seriously, and we act on it whenever we can, so please take the time to fill out the survey. It’s short, I promise.
- Charles Torre from Microsoft’s Channel 9 as well as Ray Heath recorded the Q&A sessions at the end of each day, and Charles also recorded a post-event interview with Herb and Andrei and me, and our understanding is that Charles plans to take the raw videos and edit them into something suitable for human consumption, which he’ll then publish at Channel 9. When we get word that they are available, we’ll let you know, but note that Channel 9 also has its own RSS feed.
We’ve received photos taken by various people, and we plan to make at least some of those available. If you took photos at C&B that you’d be willing to share, please send them to Lisa. We’ll post about where to find the photos when we’ve got a place for them.
A number of people asked whether there will be another C&B next year, and Andrei, Herb, and I are already talking about the possibility. We’re not making any promises, but you’ll notice that some of the questions on the post-event survey ask about when and where you’d like to see future events, so draw your own conclusions :-)
August 16, 2011 at 2:03 pm
I humbly request a location in the lower 48 states for next year’s event. We were unable to attend this year because our boss would not approve international travel.
August 16, 2011 at 2:44 pm
Excellent feedback, thanks for providing it. And I’m sure that at least some Canadians will be relieved to hear that some people in the USA recognize that Canada isn’t part of the United States. If we can get everybody on board with the recognition that New Mexico is part of the United States, we’ll be in excellent shape :-)
August 17, 2011 at 10:09 am
Wait… New Mexico is part of the US?
Seriously though, would it be possible to make the presentations available for purchase for those of us who couldn’t make it? I realize that the presentations may be off a bit from lack of context, but better than nothing at all :)
August 17, 2011 at 3:08 pm
For a variety of tiresome reasons, we’re not making the presentation materials or videos of the C&B 2011 technical sessions generally available, but we expect Channel 9 to post the videos of the three Q&A sessions as well as a post-C&B interview with me, Andrei, and Herb. Channel 9 may also post additional video from the event, but that’s up in the air right now, again for reasons too tiresome to mention. (Okay, I’ll mention one. Undiagnosed technical problems led to some sessions being recorded with missing audio or video. At least one of my sessions has no audio, for example, and while seeing me talk without sound coming out is one of my wife’s dream scenarios, it’s not ideal for a technical presentation.)
Keep tuned to the blog, we’ll let you know what’s available and when.
August 18, 2011 at 9:16 am
Thanks for the (albeit disappointing) response… just another reason to keep an eye open for future sessions :)