Scott Meyers • Herb Sutter • Andrei Alexandrescu
December 9-12, 2013 • Salish Lodge and Spa • Snoqualmie Falls, Washington



C++ and Beyond is a small, conference-like event built around intensive technical sessions by Scott Meyers, Herb Sutter, and Andrei Alexandrescu, but designed also to facilitate the exchange of experiences and insights among the unusually talented developers who attend. Attendance is limited to 64 people.

Technical sessions focus on topics of special interest to professional developers where Andrei, Herb, and Scott have expertise. Topics in past years have included CPU caches, lambda expressions, move semantics, CAS-based concurrency, variadic templates, the C++11 memory model, GPGPU programming, code optimization techniques, and the C++11 threading API. For details, consult the full schedules for C&B 2010, C&B 2011, and C&B 2012, as well as the selected videos from prior C++ and Beyonds.

Topics for C&B 2013 will be determined by Herb, Andrei, and Scott in the months and weeks prior to the event. Their C&B presentations typically focus on new material, i.e., on information they have never publicly presented or published.  Their session ideas are generally posted to the C&B blog for advance feedback.  (Your topic suggestions are always welcome there.) You can view the tentative 2013 schedule here.

Scott’s, Herb’s, and Andrei’s backgrounds vary, but these C++ legends have three things in common. First, they’re interested not just in C++, but in how its power can be applied to real and challenging problems. Second, they have an uncanny ability to explain complex technical material. Most importantly, they know how to create an event of enormous value to professional C++ developers, regardless of whether their experience with the language spans one or two years or one or two decades.
Scott Meyers wrote the books Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL. He publishes and maintains annotated training materials dedicated to C++11 and to the use of C++ in embedded systems. He’s currently working on Effective  C++11, which he hopes to publish in time for this year’s C&B.
herb-teachingHerb Sutter wrote four books and hundreds of technical articles on C++ and concurrency. He chairs the ISO C++ standards committee and led or participated in the design of several C++11 features.
Andrei Alexandrescu is working in areas as varied as C++, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and design of the D programming language. This work has led to three books (one coauthored with Herb Sutter himself) and numerous other publications.

For additional information about C&B, turn to Scott’s comments about the event.

16 Responses to “C++ and Beyond 2013

  1. Felipe dos Santos Lazzari Says:

    Is it going to be live streamed anywhere?


    1. Lisa Wells Says:

      Hi Felipe, we will be creating videos of some of the talks but will not be doing a livestream.

      1. fattywompers Says:

        any updates on the availability of the videos?

        1. Lisa Wells Says:

          Per Scott’s reply below, “I think they’re supposed to start airing next month.” We will post them on the blog, so be sure you are signed up to the mailing list or the blog feed and you’ll be notified when they are released.

          1. Hey, where are the videos?

          2. Lisa Wells Says:

            Hi Felipe, in regards to your question, please see this blog post from Scott:

  2. Yann D. Says:

    It’s a shame I cannot attend C&B 2013, I wish I could… Anyway, I’m looking forward to watching these videos…

  3. Dan Says:

    When can we expect the videos for 2013 ?

  4. scottmeyers Says:

    I think they’re supposed to start airing next month.

  5. Waldemar Says:

    Still waiting for the videos. :) … checking for them every day.

    1. scottmeyers Says:

      The video publication schedule is up to Channel 9, not us, so at this point, you know as much as we do.

      1. Waldemar Says:

        Thanks for the info. I have to admit the C9 team does a really great job… have watched all of C++ seminars and some of them are simply priceless.

        Also keep up the really great work. We appreciate it. :)

  6. Dan Says:

    :( It’s almost march …

  7. Hi Everybody,

    Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, but did the C&B 2013 videos go up yet? I had an (admittedly quick) search on C9, but could only find the videos from C&B 2012.

    Many thanks and have a good day,


    1. Lisa Wells Says:

      Hi James, a blog post about the videos will be up by the end of the week, stay tuned.

      1. jamespascoe1978 Says:

        Ah superb - thank you Lisa.

        Have a good day,


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