
This week we got registration #16, so we’re 25% sold out.   With only 48 more seats left, we’re likely to be full around the beginning of July (the attendance limit of 64 people is a hard limit due to physical constraints at the hotel.)  So if you’ve been thinking about registering, it would be prudent to act sooner rather than later as this event will surely be a sold out event.

I hope to see you at Snowqualmie falls in December!


ImageIn case you missed the link I slipped into my last message, please note that we’ve now assembled a page of links to videos from past C++ and Beyonds.  There are seven full sessions from last year’s C&B, plus an hour-long interview with the three of us made during the event. From the 2011 C&B, we have four full sessions, plus two attendee interviews. There’s no video from 2010, sorry, though the presentation materials can be purchased.

We’ve made an announcement to this blog each time we’ve published a new video, and we’ll continue to do that for future video releases. Instead of searching back blog posts to find out what’s been put out, however, you can now simply visit the C&B Video Gallery.




12232116_sC++ and Beyond 2013 will take place December 9-12 at the Salish Lodge and Spa in Snoqualmie, Washington, USA (not far from Seattle). Registration is now open.

Attendance will be limited to 64 people.  (That’s the capacity of the ballroom.) Given that C&B has attracted about 100 people each year, it’s essentially certain that we’ll sell out.  As a result, I encourage you to sign up as soon as you can. Once we sell out, we’ll start a waiting list, but past experience suggests that we won’t be able to offer spots to more than a handful of people on that list.

Early bird registration runs through June 9 and features a 10% discount off the standard registration fee.

Click here to register.

Detailed information about C++ and Beyond is available at its web site:

Andrei and Herb and I hope to see you at C&B 2013 in December!


2013About a month ago, I posted tentative dates for C&B 2013.  I cautioned that there was no contract yet, and I’m glad I did, because shortly thereafter we discovered an off-by-one scheduling snafu.  As a result, the dates are not the ones I posted earlier, they’re a day later: Monday evening, December 9, through Thursday, December 12.

The inital C&B in 2010 was held at the Salish Lodge and Spa in Snoqualmie, Washington, USA.  In 2011, we had a larger group in a larger venue, and last year we bumped up the numbers again.   Growth was ours, it seemed, but we sensed that C&B was looking more like a conventional conference and less like the unique event we had originally envisioned. For 2013, we decided to return to our roots, both geographically and organizationally.


For scale, note Salish Lodge in the upper left and the people in middle of the photo.

C&B 2013 will return to the Salish Lodge and Spa in Snoqualmie, Washington (not far from Seattle). Enrollment will again be limited to the capacity of the ballroom (~64 attendees). Scott will again lead lunchtime walks. Evenings will again feature free-form “hang out with the speakers” sessions. Hotel guestrooms will again boast fireplaces, whirlpool tubs for two, and one whopping big waterfall just steps from the front door. If you were part of C&B 2010, you know what I’m talking about. If you weren’t, ask around: you’ll wish you had been.

We’ll announce more details when they’ve been finalized, including when registration for C&B 2013 will begin. In the meantime, reserve December 9-12 for C++ and Beyond 2013 in Snoqualmie, Washington, USA.


There will be a C++ and Beyond 2013!  The dates are tentatively set to be December 8-11, so block that time out on your calendar.  We have a venue picked out, but we haven’t signed a contract yet, so I can’t make any announcement about where C&B 2013 will take place.  I expect to be able to tell you all about it within the next few weeks, however.

Until then, hold December 8-11, 2013, for more in-depth, in-sightful, in-triguing, in-vestigations into the world of C++…and Beyond :-)



Microsoft’s Channel 9 just published the video of my C&B 2012 presentation on universal references. There’s also a link there to the presentation materials in PowerPoint format. (I generally make my presentation materials available only in PDF, but this talk has some animations that end up with some text on top of other text, so I decided to release the PowerPoint version.)

ACCU’s Overload also just published a written version of the same information, so you now have three choices for accessing this content:




I think the distinction between rvalue references and universal references is important, and I would like to see the term “universal reference” become de facto standard, so I encourage you to promote this talk, these presentation materials, and this article as widely as you can.



Microsoft’s Channel 9 just posted their first video from C++ and Beyond 2012: Alexandrescu, Meyers, Sutter: On Static If, C++11 in 2012, Modern Libraries, and Metaprogramming


At the end of day two, Charles Torre conducted an interview with Scott Meyers, Herb Sutter, and Andrei Alexandrescu that included a discussion of various modern C++ topics as well as Q&A from online readers.

So even if you attended C&B in Asheville, it’s something you have not seen, enjoy!


Thanks to everybody for a very enjoyable and successful C++ and Beyond 2012 in Asheville! I had a great time and have heard very positive feedback.

Here are a few things I wanted to mention as we wrap up:

  • I sent out an email yesterday explaining how to get the final PDF of all the talks. If you did not get the email, please let me know.
  • That same email also has a link to the post-event survey that will give you an opportunity to tell us what worked at C&B, what didn’t, and give us feedback on the relative importance of various aspects of the event.  We hope we made clear during C&B that we take your feedback seriously and we act on it whenever we can, so please take the time to fill out the survey.  It’s short, five minutes tops, I promise.
  • Last year we posted various photos from attendees. If you took photos at C&B that you’d be willing to share, please send them to me and I will post to the blog.
  • A number of people asked me whether there will be another C&B next year… Scott, Herb, and Andrei aren’t making any promises, but you’ll notice that some of the questions on the post-event survey ask about when and where you’d like to see future events, so please be sure to let us know your preference.


C++ and Beyond 2012 begins on Sunday evening in Asheville, North Carolina! I’ve lived here for the past 7 years, and I’m so excited to be able to welcome you to this beautiful state.  We may get lucky and have nice weather and fireflies :)

What follows is information I think you’ll find useful as C&B draws near:

  • PDF Handouts. You should have received an email message earlier today telling you how to download the PDF version of the presentation materials. If you didn’t receive the message, please let me know.
  • Background Survey. The same email that told you about the presentations’ PDF will have told you about a brief background and interest survey we’d like you to fill out.  Scott, Andrei, and Herb take this information into account when making their presentations, so please invest the minute or two needed to answer the questions.
  • Notebooks and Name Badges. Assuming you’re staying at the Grove Park Inn, your notebook and name badge will be delivered to your room by the hotel staff.  This should happen by 7 pm on Sunday, assuming you have checked in by that time.  If your materials are not delivered for some reason, or if you are not staying at the Inn, your name badge will be available at the C&B reception on Sunday.  If you don’t come to the reception, I’ll have your badge and notebook waiting for you on Monday morning at the table outside Grand Ballroom A (where all technical sessions will take place). If you elected the PDF-only handouts option, please don’t accept a notebook, even if the hotel mistakenly offers you one, because we didn’t prepare notebooks for PDF-only people.
  • Sunday Evening Reception. It will take place 7:30PM-9:30PM on the Sammons Balcony. Light refreshments, coffee, tea, and soft drinks will be served, and we will provide a cash bar for those who would like to partake. Please wear your name badge where we can see it. You may know who we are, but we don’t always know who you are, and we’d like to.
  • Wi-Fi Access. You will have complimentary wireless internet access throughout the hotel.  Use the “guest” SSID when connecting to the wireless internet.
  • Map. Here is an annotated map showing where the various events will be held.
  • Meals. Your registration includes the Sunday night reception, breakfasts, and lunches for the three days of sessions. If you have any dietary restrictions, please contact me as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements with the hotel catering staff.
  • Weather. The current forecast calls for chance of showers each day with high temperatures of around 85F. I suggest you check the latest forecast before you pack in order to decide what to bring with you.

Please let me know if you have any comments on the registration process or on any aspect of the service you received prior to the event. We’ve done the best we can, and while we know we can do better, we don’t necessarily know how. Please tell us either on the comments section of the background survey or via email.

See you soon!

Lisa Wells
Customer Service Concierge

The full C++ and Beyond 2012 Schedule has been finalized, updated, and posted.

Download the schedule in PDF format here.

Also, just a reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday, August 1st) is the deadline to purchase your ticket - we have a few spots remaining.

I look forward to meeting you all in Asheville!


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