Posted by scottmeyers under
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Loyal C&B Attendee Fedor Pikus graciously shared some of his photos with us, and the one below struck me as both funny and, in the context of the talk in which it occurred, insightful. That talk-“Optimization Tips”-was the highest-rated at the event. Those who attended the presentation are unlikely to ever think about reference-counting the same way again.

Thanks, Fedor, for letting us use this photo, and thanks, Andrei, for words to program by!
The weather in the Pacific Northwest has been unusually cold lately, and one result is that Snoqualmie Falls (adjacent to the hotel where C&B will start in about three hours) is framed by ice. I took this a couple of hours ago. The hotel is in the upper left corner.
Posted by Herb Sutter under
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For those of you who are attending C&B next week, Scott already recommended some background reading for your pre-seminar enjoyment.
I also have one piece of background reading I’d like to recommend all attendees reread before my Wednesday morning talk on “C++14 Style”:
It’s not long, but it’s important. Please take time to review it on your way to sunny (maybe) Snoqualmie, WA, USA.
I look forward to seeing many of you next week! Be sure to attend the Monday night reception if at all possible. It’ll be a relaxed informal (and likely still informative) gathering that will set a nice tone for the event. See you there.
Posted by scottmeyers under
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C++ and Beyond 2013 begins next Monday evening! If you’ll be participating, you’ll find the following information useful.
Reception: On Monday evening from 7:30 to 9:30, Herb and Andrei and I will host an informal reception in the Falls Terrace room at the Salish. Light refreshments, soft drinks, and a dangerously high level of technical chatter will be served. A no-host bar will also be present, which, over time, should reduce the technical level of the chatter considerably. The Falls Terrace room adjoins the Falls Terrace, which itself is right next to Snoqualmie Falls, and Snoqualmie Falls produces an impressive roar that I hope you’ll enjoy.
Meals: Breakfasts, lunches, and snacks are included as part of C&B. Vegetarian options are always available. If you have other dietary restrictions or preferences, please email us as soon as possible; we’ll do our best to accommodate you. Dinners are on your own. The hotel staff can help you with local dining options.
Talk Materials: You’ll receive email in the next couple of days telling you how you can download a PDF copy of all the materials we plan to use in our technical presentations. Unless you opted out of a printed notebook, you’ll also receive one of those when you check in at the Salish. The notebooks won’t get to the Salish until Monday afternoon, so if you check in before that, you can pick up your notebook at the Reception or, if you prefer, on Tuesday morning at the C&B table outside the ballroom where the presentations will be held.
Name Badges: These will be distributed in the same manner as the printed notebooks: at check-in, if the name badges have arrived at the lodge before you do, otherwise at the Reception or on Tuesday morning outside the ballroom.
Post-Lunch Walks: Barring winds that make the rain fall horizontally, I’ll lead walks each day after lunch. It’s a great opportunity to see the woods around the lodge, to get your blood circulating after a morning of lectures and a toasty meal, and to make you feel less guilty about enjoying the high-calorie goodies that will appear in the ballroom shortly before the first afternoon presentation. If you want to come along on the walks, bring footwear that’s good on wet, muddy trails plus something to keep the rest of you dry. (If you’re noticing a preoccupation with precipitation in this paragraph, it’s because I’m from the Pacific Northwest. I proceed on the assumption that it will rain every day. If we’re really lucky, it will snow.)
Andrei and Herb and I look forward to seeing you next week!
Posted by Lisa Wells under
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Comments Off on C++ and Beyond 2013 Schedule has been finalized
The full C++ and Beyond 2013 Schedule has been finalized, updated, and posted.
Download the schedule in PDF format here.
Scott, Herb, and Andrei are looking forward to meeting you all in Snoqualmie in a few short days!